Our Supporters
Our corporate and business partners are critical to the success of our literacy program.
Thanks to our partners’ generosity, thousands of impoverished children in Latin America are learning to read and getting the education they need in order to improve their lives.
Corporate and Foundation Partners

- AMB Foundation
- C.G. Charitable Fund
- Crabby Beach Foundation
- Gimbel Foundation
- Lake Eden Arts Festival
- The Melsness Foundation
- The Spurlino Foundation
- Somerset East Foundation
- Swinmurn Family Foundation
- The Hazel Fund
- Zimmer Family Foundation
Corporate Partner Spotlight
Jim’s Organic Coffee
Jim Cannell and his company have supported Child Aid’s work for over a decade, part of the coffee purveyor’s commitment to sustaining and giving back to the communities where its coffee is grown. In 2018, Jim’s Organic became our first Child Aid Ambassador, with a four-year sponsorship of the Panabaj school.
“Working with a charity like Child Aid allows us to see direct results. Knowing Child Aid is there to support the literacy work is great. I’m thrilled our organizations found each other.”

Organizational Partners

Since 2001 , Child Aid has partnered with this locally run organization to operate four programs in the community of El Tejar: a municipal library; a Montessori-style preschool that provides excellent early childhood education to some of the poorest children in the community (CEDIN); a music program for elementary and secondary school students; and a scholarship program that supports children from disadvantaged families to attain a secondary and high school education.
Through dedicated donors, Child Aid provides majority support for these programs.

Like the world-changers who support our organization, we are focused on making a long-term impact by helping kids living in poverty. We have a bold vision: graduating healthy, educated, empowered and employed young adults from our program so they can break the cycle of poverty.
Sponsor a School
Have a lasting impact that will benefit children, their families, and their communities for years to come.