We believe the ability to read is both personally empowering and essential to a child’s capacity to imagine, pursue and realize a better life.

We believe the ability to read is both personally empowering and essential to a child’s capacity to imagine, pursue and realize a better life.

A participant in Reading for Life for over three years, Leidy Xoyón (left) is now teaching Child Aid literacy methods to 12 young female teachers in a village outside her hometown.

Our literacy work empowers indigenous Mayan children to create their own futures, while encouraging respect for traditional cultures and languages.

We hire and train local people to be reading promoters and literacy trainers. Carlos Pos Ben speaks Kaqchikel and Spanish and is highly respected in the communities where he works.

Our program is sustainable because we help rural teachers develop skills they can use the rest of their lives

A participant in Reading for Life for over four years, Blanca Esquina de Montufar now promotes reading and literacy in several villages around her hometown of Chicacao.