Child Aid 2012: A Year in Pictures

A girl from the village of Tzantinamit enjoys reading a new book. Before joining our program, her school had almost no reading materials.

Local volunteers pitch in to build a new library in the village of Xojolá. It opened its doors in December.

Literacy Intern Hermelinda reads a story to her girls’ reading group in the village of El Llano.

Volunteers ready to unload a truck full of children’s books that arrived in Guatemala in September.

Over 50,000 books are loaded into our warehouse, all destined for village schools and libraries.

Volunteers from Portland, Oregon help build bookshelves for a school in Santa Catarina Palopó. (Photo courtesy of Pete Hinds)

Literacy Trainer Carlos helps organize rotating supplies of books to be delivered monthly to remote rural schools.

Librarian Rosenda eagerly welcomes kids to her newly catalogued library in the village of Xequistel.

Librarian Antonia offers a boy in the village of Xojolá a very rare treat – a book all to himself that he can take home and enjoy.

Literacy Trainer Rosenda (right) works individually with teacher Olga in the K’iche-speaking village of Chocol.

Children in this classroom in Tzantinamit proudly hold the books they are learning to read.

Mayan high school students at a vocational school for teachers receive literacy training for the first time.

Teachers in the village of Xojolá learn new techniques for teaching kids to read.

Girls in the village of Chicacao proudly showing off their favorite storybooks.

Teacher Luis Miguel puts his recent literacy training into practice with his students in the village of Chocol.

Boys curling up with books that have just arrived in the village of Godínez.

Imaginations are ignited as these girls from the village of Las Canoas work on a reading exercise together.

Delighted students from the village of Santa Catarina Palopó after a fun-filled reading activity.