Child Aid received and distributed over 50,000 donated books from U.S. publishers and non-profit book consolidators this year. See how we got those books to rural schools and libraries, how they are being used and the difference they are making in the lives of Guatemalan children.

Books Make a Difference Child Aid received and distributed over 90,000 books from U.S. publishers and non-profit book consolidators like the International Book Project and the International Book Bank this year. See how we got those books to rural schools and libraries, how they are being used and the difference they are making in the lives of Guatemalan children.

Receiving the Shipment: Books arrive by container truck at our warehouse near Antigua, Guatemala. The books must first be moved to a smaller truck to get them to the warehouse, located on a small coffee farm.

Unloading and Organizing: Workers unload boxes and stack them in the warehouse where they organized by subject and reading level. Later they will be sorted into packets of books to be distributed to schools and libraries.

Book Delivery to Schools: Most of the schools and libraries that Child Aid works with are located in remote areas, often several hours drive from the warehouse in Antigua. Books must be delivered to individual schools via van or small truck. Here, Literacy Trainer Jeremias Morales unloads boxes with the help of eager students.

Book Delivery to Schools: Along with the books, Child Aid also often provides bookshelves on wheels to make it easier for schools to share books between classrooms.

Book Demonstration at Cerro De Oro Jeremias Morales shows students how to find information in a non-fiction book. When new books arrive, schools receive a brief orientation to familiarize them with the books and give them ideas about how to use them.

Students Become Enthusiastic Readers: When books arrive, students are always eager to explore and find new books to read. In rural schools where quality books are rare and selection is limited, these new, engaging books help students develop a love of reading and expand their interests.

Books in the Classroom: Child Aid’s teacher training program gives teachers skills and techniques for using the books in the classroom where they are a vital tool for engaging students in reading.

Books in the Classroom The books are a vital resource in classrooms for activities that teach comprehension and critical thinking skills. In this activity, students at the school in Cerro de Oro work together with a non-fiction book to find information about seals.

Getting Books into Students’ Homes For the schools, more books on the shelves means more opportunities to get books into the hands of kids. The La Vega school recently started a weekend lending program, allowing students to take books home to read and share with their parents and siblings.

Reading During Recess: Schools are also making books available to students during free time, which helps them develop an interest in independent reading. Boys at the Chiquel school read together outside their classrooms during the morning break.

Books in Libraries: Books are also distributed to our partner libraries where they are used to promote literacy in local schools and communities. A librarian in Patzun sets up a display of new books for visitors to explore.

Storybooks Make Reading Fun: Storybooks ignite the spark of literacy in children. More than any other reading materials, storybooks captivate children’s imaginations and make them want to read.

Books Make a Difference: Thanks to our supporters, Child Aid is able to provide books to the schools and communities where they are most needed and appreciated. Every day these books are making a real difference in the lives of Guatemalan teachers and students.