Established by UNESCO 1995, World Book and Copyright Day celebrates literacy and commemorates the lives of some of the world’s greatest writers. For the past couple of years, the day has also provided an opportunity for Child Aid’s partner libraries to reach out to their local communities and continue their role as ambassadors of literacy.
The typical Guatemalan library is seen solely as a place for students to do their homework. Book lending is rare and collections are very limited, so it can be struggle to get parents, younger children and the community at large to see the library as community resource that everyone can use.
To celebrate World Book Day on April 23rd, this year libraries planned and hosted a variety of activities and events that served to educate the public about their services, engage kids and parents, and promote the love of reading.
Child Aid’s library program helps librarians develop vibrant, active libraries that are educational resources centers for their communities. But even when they have created welcoming environments and great programs, many libraries face the challenge of getting the public to visit the library and use their services.
That’s why community outreach and education is an important component of Child Aid’s work with libraries. At the most recent librarian training workshop, held in late April, librarians gathered to discuss a variety of ways they can inform the public about their library’s programs and services. The librarians learned how to use signs, book displays and special activity corners to help orient new visitors and practiced strategies for guiding users to discover all the resources the library has to offer.
“In this workshop we are focusing on ways we can capture the public’s attention,” said Child Aid Library Coordinator Carlos Pos. “So when people walk into the library they immediately see it as an inviting and interesting place to be.”
But sometimes, in order to capture the public’s attention, you have to hit the streets.
So for this year’s World Book Day, libraries found a variety of creative ways to promote themselves in the community. Members of Child Aid’s Library Team attended several of the events and shared some photos and highlights from the day’s activities.
Las Canoas Bajas
The Miguel Angel Asturias library in the town of Las Canoas Bajas celebrated World Book Day for the first time with a book parade through the community. Teachers and students from pre-school to sixth grade walked through the streets carrying books they have read and signs with the names of their books and a small description. While the students walked, the school principal used a loudspeaker to promote the activity, inviting parents and community members to come out and watch the parade.

Agua Escondida
In the town of Agua Escondida, librarian María Olivia Urrea de Holl created a special reading corner on the school playground. The space was used throughout the day by students for independent reading and to hear stories read aloud. Parents were encouraged to visit the school with their younger children during recess to read books and explore the library.

In preparation for World Book Day activities, students and teachers in Tzanchaj decorated their school’s multi-purpose room with book displays, reading corners, game tables and examples of student writing. Librarian Marcos Elías Tacaxoy Sapalú used the celebration as an opportunity to promote his library’s many services including reading programs, book lending, story hours, a research area, and special activity corners. The day’s activities began with welcoming remarks from the school principal followed by a reading contest. Students from all grade levels selected books from the library to read out loud. A group of judges scored the readings based on fluency and expression. Winners received a diploma and gift for their great participation.

The Pamezabal Community Library in the town of Santa Lucia Utatlán held daily read aloud sessions throughout the week. School children from around the community were invited to participate and to choose a favorite book to read at home.
The Chicacao library celebrated World Book Day by hosting a storytelling festival in the town park. Children from both urban and rural schools around the area were invited to come and listen to stories. In another area of the park, a “Literary Restaurant” was set up. Library staff dressed as chefs and waiters while the children had the opportunity to explore the “menu” and order books that they wanted to read.