In early July, representatives from 19 schools, libraries and community organizations from around Guatemala came to Antigua for Child Aid’s Book Distribution Day. There was a lot of excitement as attendees participated in a half-day orientation and then lined up at our warehouse to pickup boxes of brand new books to take back to their communities. Watch a slideshow of some of the day’s events.

Literacy Trainer Jorge Sanum sorts through books to use in the orientation session that helps participants begin to explore and familiarize themselves with the new books.

Literacy Trainer Norma Guzman leads a treasure hunt activity with a selection of non-fiction books.

Participants listen closely during the orientation activities.

A sample display of the non-fiction books included in the packets distributed to participants.

Packets of books sit in the warehouse, waiting for the trucks to arrive.

Community members and volunteers from the coastal community of El Paredon load up their truck.

Igor Xoyon from Colegio Mi Melodía in Chimaltenango happily carries an armload of books.

The smiles were big as groups picked up their boxes of new books.

Each participating group received over 1,500 books.

Child Aid staffers Jorge Sanum, Maritza Lopez and Angus Fredenburg celebrate a nearly empty book warehouse. But they won’t be able to rest for long. A new shipment of donated books is on its way.