Get Guatemala Back to School
Support a Superhero
Help Child Aid train the superhero teachers who are getting children in Guatemala back to school, back to learning, and back to the bright futures a good education makes possible.
About the Campaign
Teachers in Guatemala are leading elementary students back to learning, and we’re equipping these everyday heroes with tools they need.
COVID-19 continues to stalk the country, where little more than two percent of Guatemalans have access to a vaccine. Most schools have been closed for more than a year and are opening here and there, just to shutter again when villages are hit with another wave of illness. There’s a large worry that when schools open again, many children will not return because they’ve had to go to work or help with child care so families can survive.
Child Aid works directly with teachers to encourage kids return to schools when it’s safe, and to keep children learning any way they can in the meantime. It’s a tall order, but, together, we’ve come up with some clever ways to reach kids.
Here are a few things your support will do:

Serve 579,000 more meals through Child Aid’s Operation White Flag Hunger Relief.

Buy new books to stock classrooms with good reads.

Provide teachers with training in remedial education methods to help kids catch up.

Broadcast multilingual educational radio programs so kids can learn from home.

Coach teachers how to be effective leaders in virtual classrooms.

Provide bags of hand sanitizer and masks for each Child Aid classroom.
Child Aid is turning the tide. Working alongside teachers and parents who so badly want to see their children back in school, our organization helps bridge the wide digital divide and keep children in Guatemala learning, even now.
Child Aid is in this effort for the long haul.
Will you be part of something big?
How You Can Help
Support a Superhero
Your donation helps teachers attend workshops that model effective teaching techniques, provides essential learning materials and features follow-up personalized coaching sessions with seasoned Child Aid educators.