We just received exiting news from Guatemala. Construction is complete on the new library in Xojolá, a remote K’iché Mayan village southwest of Lake Atitlán. The new library will serve as a hub for learning and literacy for hundreds of children in Xojolá and surrounding villages. For these tiny communities, the facility is a major step forward in the local effort to improve educational opportunity for children.

Two years ago, Xojolá didn’t even have a library. Books were rare, and teachers found it nearly impossible to teach reading. In late 2010, we partnered with Xojolá and launched our Reading for Life program in the village. We helped the community create its first library, converting an abandoned building on the little plaza into a new space with books, bookshelves, tables, chairs and a chalkboard. Through our work in the local school, we encouraged teachers to bring their students to the library, and we set up a program to get boxes of storybooks from the library into the school on a rotating basis. The library became so popular that a larger space was needed within a year.
In June of this year, we partnered with Miracles in Action to construct an entirely new library. The building was just completed. The new structure, which is more than double the size of the old building, will accommodate more books, more tables and chairs, and well over twice the number of children. The inauguration of the library is planned for November 28th. We’re all very excited!

Big thanks to Miracles in Action and to all of our supporters. Together we’re making an incredible difference in these communities. We’ll post more photos as we help the community furnish the building and following the inauguration on November 28th. That will be a festive day in Xojolá!